Tradicionalni Reiki retreat na Malom Lošinju od 05. do 15.08.2023. Tema retreata je PROMJENA

Ove godine će biti 20. jubilarni Reiki retreat (povlačenje). Ma nije. Sigurno ih je bilo više, ali baš lijepo zvuči kad je neka okrugla, pa još k tome jubilarna godina. I zapravo, sve te godine iza nas uopće nisu važne. One imaju mjesto u našim uspomenama i ništa više. Reći ćete, a što je sa iskustvima ? Pa i ona su prošla. Najvažnije je ono što nije povezano niti sa vremenom, niti sa prostorom, a to je razina naše svijesti. Sigurno je to, da je naša svijest porasla, ili je pala. Nemoguće je da je ostala zamrznuta na istom mjestu. Nitko to izvanjski ne može procijeniti, niti o tome suditi, već vi sami. Vi ste svoj promatrač. Pogledajte sebe odozgora ili sa strane i recite sebi istinu, ma kakva da je.

To je istina sa kojom dolazite na ovaj Retreat. To donosite kao svoj prilog. Donosite sebe onakvima kakvi jeste. A jeste li sretni sa time ? Ne pitanje nije, da li ste sa time zadovoljni ? Nego, jeste li sretni ? Odgovor tako-tako ili kako kada ili uglavnom i slično, nije vama upotrebljiv. Odgovor može biti DA ili NE. Ako u svom životu očekujete neku promjenu, bez da je pokrenete, suočite se s njom i kroz nju prođete, neće se dogoditi ništa (Pardon, to je nemoguće. Vraćate se korak unatrag).

U oba slučaja PROMJENA će učiniti vaš unutarnji doživljaj sreće dubljim ili cjelovitijim. Promjenu ćemo potaknuti procesima Reiki meditacije i tretmanima, preporađanjima u moru, zvučnim kupkama, konteplacijama, razgovorima i igrom.

Tijekom retreata smo gotovo cijeli dan zajedno, osim kada nas proces odvede u potrebu za osamom. Kuhamo i jedemo zajedničke obroke i relativno jedni blizu drugih spavamo. To je život jedne Reiki obitelji.

Ništa se ne mora, na ničem se ne inzistira, tajming nije uvjetovan satom već potrebama svakog sudionika. Katkada to izgleda kao kaos. A zar tako ne izgleda savršeni svemir ? I sve je dobro, harmonično i u savršenom redu. Samo se ljudska vrsta odlučila na uspostavu reda i pravila. I što ih je više, a previše ih je, to se sve više krše, kazne se povećavaju, a patnja je sve veća. Treba li nam to ? Samo pogledajte ostatak živog svijeta na zemlji. Tko im je napisao zakone i pravila ? Tko ? Vrijeme je da i to promijenimo. Spojiti se i podsjetiti se na taj univerzalni zakon kojeg nema na papiru, ali pulsira u svakom živom biću.

Razmjena za program Retreata je 300 €, uz dodatak troškova nabave hrane. Smještaj je u kampu Čikat na Malom Lošinju. Cijene smještaja (šator + osoba) pogledajte na Dakle, potreban vam je šator, ležaj na napuhavanje, pokrivač i slične kamp potrepštine.

Dolazak u autokamp oko sredine dana 05.08.2023.

Prijave se primaju od danas pa do početka srpnja 2023. godine. Osobno, na telefon +38598220595 ili na mail .

Svima veliki Reiki zagrljaj

Luka Merlin

Reiki majstor

This year will be the 20th anniversary Reiki retreat. It’s not. There must have been more, but it sounds really nice when it’s a round one, and what’s more, it’s a jubilee year. And actually, all those years behind us are not important at all. They have a place in our memories and nothing more. You will say, what about experiences? Well, they also passed. The most important thing is that which is not related to time or space, and that is the level of our consciousness. It is certain that our consciousness has increased or decreased. It is impossible that she remained frozen in the same place. No one can assess it from the outside, or judge it, but you yourself. You are your own observer. Look at yourself from above or from the side and tell yourself the truth, whatever it is.

This is the truth with which you come to this Retreat. You bring that as your contribution. Bring yourself as you are. And are you happy with that? No, the question is not, are you satisfied with it? But, are you happy? The answer so-so or how when or mostly and the like is not useful to you. The answer can be YES or NO. If you expect some change in your life, without initiating it, facing it and going through it, nothing will happen (Sorry, that’s impossible. You’re taking a step back).

In both cases CHANGE will make your inner experience of happiness deeper or more complete. We will encourage change with Reiki meditation processes and treatments, rebirths in the sea, sound baths, contemplations, conversations and games.

During the retreat, we are together almost the whole day, except when the process leads us to need solitude. We cook and eat meals together and sleep relatively close to each other. This is the life of a Reiki family.

Nothing is forced, nothing is insisted on, the timing is not conditioned by the clock but by the needs of each participant. Sometimes it looks like chaos. Isn’t that what a perfect universe looks like? And everything is good, harmonious and in perfect order. Only the human species decided to establish order and rules. And the more they are, and there are too many of them, the more they are violated, the penalties increase, and the suffering is greater. Do we need that? Just look at the rest of the living world on earth. Who wrote their laws and rules? Who? It’s time to change that too. Connect and remind yourself of that universal law that is not on paper, but pulsates in every living being.

The exchange for the Retreat program is €300, with the addition of food procurement costs. Accommodation is in Camp Čikat on Mali Lošinj. Check out the accommodation prices (tent + person) at So you need a tent, an inflatable bed, a blanket and similar camping supplies.

Arrival at the autocamp around the middle of the day on August 5, 2023.

Applications are accepted from today until the beginning of July 2023. In person, by phone +38598220595 or by email

A big Reiki hug to everyone

Luka Merlin

Reiki master